Digital Repository for Department of Web Technologies

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Hala Shaari, Nuredin Ahmed (12-2020)
The Third Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology , , pp. 323-334.
Yousef Abuseta (7-2020)
International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(7), pp. 1111-0.
Marwa B. Swidan , RAMZI HAMID MILAD Elghanuni (8-2019)
IEEE, , pp. 172-177.
Ahmed Ali Sadegh Elhoni (6-2019)
جامعة بنغازي, .
انتصار منصور رمضان الاحول, ناهد فتحي محمد فرح, زهره عبدالله بركة الاشعل, نزيهة علي صالح صكح المصراتي (1-2019)
المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التقنية - ISTJ - International Science and Technology Journal, 16(0), الصفحات 6-5.
Hala Shaari, Nuredin Ahmed (1-2018)
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(1), pp. 7-10.
Farhat M. A. Zargoun (1-2016)
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 7(3).
A Diaf, B Boufama, R Benlamri (6-2013)
Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(2013), pp. 552-558.