Bachelor in Education and Psychology

University of Tripoli - Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences



The program of the Department of Education and Psychology prepares qualified graduates specialized in educational and psychological sciences, to teach at the secondary education level, with research skills, and have religious, national, moral and societal values. They participate in community service and development in the light of the developments of psychological sciences and contemporary educational trends and in accordance with comprehensive quality standards.


·         Providing students with psychological, social, educational, health and psychological concepts, foundations, rules, principles and theories, psychological counseling and everything related to psychological and educational issues for people with special needs

·         Providing students with skills, abilities and knowledge related to the educational and psychological characteristics of the learner, methods of learning and dealing with him, methods of guidance, guidance and problem solving, which enables him to self-development, professionalism and community service.

·         Developing students' skills in using different statistical methods to process and analyze some results and data related to psychological and educational issues.

·         Provide students with the skills to conduct educational and psychological research in order to develop teaching methods and contribute to scientific progress.

·         Enable students with Arabic, English, computer technology, historical and geographical information skills.


(Knowledge & understanding)

1. Identify psychological, social, educational, health, psychological counseling concepts, principles and theories, psychological counseling and everything related to psychological and educational issues for people with special needs.

2. Shows the foundations, rules, theories and applications of teaching the education and psychology course for the secondary stage.

3. Demonstrates the different statistical methods and methods to process and analyze some results and data related to psychological and educational issues.

4. Compare the methods of scientific research and its applications.

5. Distinguish the basic concepts and principles in the Arabic language, English language, computer principles, historical and geographical information.

 (Mental skills):

1. Analyzes psychological, social, educational and health concepts, principles and theories and their applications.

2. Interprets the theories of teaching and learning and their application in teaching the education and psychology course for the secondary stage.

3. Links between different statistical methods and psychological and educational issues under study.

4. Deduces the applications of scientific research methods in psychological and educational research.

5. Discusses ways to employ his/her knowledge of Arabic, English, computer principles in his/her career, historical and geographical information.

 (Practical & professional skills)

1. Employ his/her knowledge of psychological, social, educational, health and psychological counseling concepts, principles and theories in developing his/her skills in specialization.

2. It is used with an in-depth understanding of educational principles and theories in the effective teaching of the education and psychology course.

3. Apply various statistical methods to process and analyze results and data in psychological and educational research.

4. Apply the methods of scientific research in the study of educational and behavioral problems of students that face him/her in his/her professional life.

5. Uses the basic principles of Arabic and English as tools for professional development, modern technology, technological innovations in his profession, historical and geographical information

 (Generic and transferable skills)

1. Adhere to professional ethics.

2. Be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing and respect the opinions of others.

3. Integrate with his/her colleagues in developing suggestions or perceptions for study or training plans.

4. use self-learning skills and continuous learning.

5. able to use modern technology in the search for information and self-development.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Arts and Education (Education and Psychology).

Entry Reuirements

Whoever is accepted to study in the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Education, in accordance with what is in force at the Faculty of Education, Tripoli, and what is stipulated in Regulation 501 and the internal regulations for study and examinations at the Faculty of Education, Tripoli, must meet the following conditions:

1. To have a secondary school diploma or its equivalent of legally recognized certificates.

2.  To have a percentage approved by the competent authority of at least good 65%

3. To successfully pass the differentiation exams or personal interviews.

4. To be medically able to continue studying in the college.

5. To be of good conduct and good morals.

6. Not to be dismissed from one of the university or technical colleges or higher institutes.

7. To undertake to abide by the regulations and systems in force in the college.

8. To apply for admission within the specified dates.

9. The student transferred from other scientific departments can be accepted in the same college according to the study regulations and exams in force in the department.

10. The student transferring from other universities can be accepted according to the regulations of study and examinations in force in the department.

11. In the event of a change in the admission requirements, the change applies to new students only and is announced on the college page.

12.  New students are accepted according to the absorptive capacity that is discussed in the department council every beginning of the semester and according to the number of graduates and defaulters, the need of the local market, the results and success rates in the secondary certificate, and the capabilities available in the department in terms of the number of professors, the number of halls and the technical auxiliary capabilities.

Conditions for continuity in the program or dismissal after warning.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Education and Psychology prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Education and Psychology. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 20 units of general subjects, and 76 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR101 Quranic Studies 1 02 University requirement +

In the classroom, students study the aspect of faith as follows: - the meaning of religion and the need of people for it, and the most important characteristics of the Islamic religion. B- Faith and action. - Increase and decrease of faith. - Deprivation of faith. C- Pillars of faith. First: Belief in God Almighty. - The existence of God and the evidence for him - the meaning of the monotheism of God. - Attributes of Allah Almighty. - The Beautiful Names of Allah. Second: Belief in angels: their truth, attributes, and functions. Third: Belief in the heavenly books and introducing them. Fourth: Belief in the Messengers: The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger. Prophecy is a blessing. The number of Messengers. - The (Olo Alazem) .- The attributes due to the messengers .- The virtue of our Prophet Muhammad - may God's peace and blessings be upon him - .- The generality of his message and that he is the last prophet that came to spread the message of Islam .- The obligation to love him .- The measure by which his love is known. Fifth- Belief in (Alyawm AlAkher): - the minor and major Signs of the Hour. - Conditions of the other world: conditions of death and isthmus – (Resurrection - Hashr - Intercession - Presentation and calculation - Balance - Basin - Path - Paradise - Hell. Sixth: Belief in predestination and destiny. - The meaning of destiny and predestination. - The meaning of belief in predestination. - The advantage of faith in predestination. - Satisfaction with predestination does not contradict the introduction of reasons. - Man is responsible for his actions and invoking predestination is misguidance.

AR103 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, which are as follows: . The word: its meaning and its divisions - Noun, verb and a letter signs. - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - .Al-Ta'a Al-Morbouta and Al-Ta'a Al-Maftoha'ah - The difference between close letters. - - Elementary Hamza (section at the beginning of the word, and linking) definition, drawing method, pronunciation, location, originality and addition, placements, the rule of distinction between the two ( types of Hamza). - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the eyes of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

EPSY101 Fundamentals of Education 02 Compulsory +

It clarifies the historical, philosophical and social foundations of education, and clarifies the relationship between education and society, its goals and aspirations. Learn about the methods and skills that help educators perform their tasks efficiently.

CS100 computer 1 02 University requirement +

This course covers the following main headings, which are the uses of the computer - its types - the binary digital system - the physical components of the computer - types of software - computer networks - the basics of the Internet - computer crimes and data security and protection.

EN100 General English1 02 University requirement +

This course aims to develop the students' ability to deal with the English basics used in everyday life. It helps them communicate correctly and improve their English language four skills ( listening, speaking, reading and writing ) by using efficient and helpful exercises, conversations, examples and activities . It also provides them with the basic and simple grammar of English language ( like verbs, simple present, present continuous… ) and commonly used vocabulary and phrases.

EPSY 100 General Psychology 02 Compulsory +

The concept of general psychology. The objectives of psychology and the variables that govern behavior, types of branches of psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to psychology. Research methods in general psychology, general psychological laws of human behavior. Schools of Psychology - Nervous System and Behavior. Higher mental processes, learning, the concept of stimulus and response, the concept of intelligence, perception, sensation, remembering, forgetting, and thinking. Motivation: Defining motivation and the different classifications of motives that can be limited to biological and physiological motives, employing psychological knowledge and educational concepts to serve the educational process.

EPSY 111 The Basics of Scientific Research 02 Compulsory +

Introduction to the basics of scientific research, a historical overview of the emergence and development of knowledge, the concept of science, its characteristics, the concept of scientific research, its characteristics, and objectives, the concept of educational research, the characteristics of educational research, the functions of educational research, the importance of scientific research, its objectives, the ethics of the researcher, the qualities and characteristics of a good researcher, research departments, types of research, methods of documenting sources, punctuation marks.

EPSY 112 communication skills 02 Compulsory +

The concept of communication and communication, the difference between communication and communication, definition of communication science. Communication in psychology, communication in education. The purpose of communication, the importance of communication, the characteristics of communication. Communication components, communication elements, message rules in the communication process. Communication models, communication tools, communication theories. Types of communication, forms of communication, first: verbal communication, second: non-verbal communication, third: written communication, electronic communication. The relationship between verbal and non-verbal communication. Methods of communication: facial communication, eye language, tactile communication, silence, communication disorders, social communication, manifestations of social intelligence. The importance of social communication, factors that help social communication, family communication, educational communication, educational communication objectives. Communication functions, communication obstacles, communication errors, conversation skill, conversation skills steps, conversation management, speech preparation steps. Listening skill, the nature of listening, its elements, conditions for successful communication while listening, persuasion skill, its definition, persuasion analysis, its elements, obstacles to persuasive communication. Steps to success in intellectual communication, failure in intellectual communication, elements of effective communication, communication skills and steps. Emotional communication, interpersonal communication skills.

EPSY 113 Emotional and Moral Education 02 Compulsory +

The concept of emotional education - the concept of moral education - the relationship between conscience, knowledge and morals, emotional intelligence - concept - importance. Self-awareness - empathy - self-management and others - and social relations as components of emotional education, applications of emotional education in school - and home - integration of the relationship between the family and school and its emotional impact on the learner., impulse control (control) and its role in the development of the student's conscience. Understanding and ethics – social arts – social decision-making. Emotional health - optimism - self-confidence. The flow state - concept - historical development - importance. Realistic thinking. Learn the language of communication - expect success - perseverance and diligence - face failure. Affective therapy of the mind and body. The nature of emotional intelligence - emotional and social learning. Positive emotions – their concept – their importance to the learner.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR102 Quranic studies2 02 University requirement AR101 +

Students study in the classroom the aspect of worship and the study includes the following: - Worship concept and objectives. - Purity: its definition, divisions and rulings: pure objects and unclean objects - what is permissible to eat and wear and what is not permissible - water, its divisions and rulings. - Ablution: its definition, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, makrooh and contradictions. - Wiping over the socks. - Ghusl: its obligations, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, and types.- Things that prevent the smaller and larger event - Wiping on the cast. - Tayammum: its causes, conditions, pillars, Sunnahs, mustahabbat, and contradictions. - Prayer: its times, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, and invalidations.

ُُEPSY 123 Philosophy of education 02 Compulsory EPSY 101 +

Concepts of education - its definitions, objectives, importance, concept of philosophy of education - the relationship between philosophy and education. The concept of the philosophical origins of education. Study the philosophical origins of education. Philosophy idealism and its educational applications. Realistic philosophy and its educational applications. Pragmatic philosophy and its educational applications. Existential philosophy and its educational applications. Natural philosophy and its educational applications. Study some philosophical issues.

EPSY 203 Developmental Psychology 02 General EPSY 100 +

Course shortdescription: The course aims to acquire the student: The concept of growth. Growth demands, laws of growth. The theoretical and applied importance of studying developmental psychology. Factors affecting the growth process - genetic factors - environmental factors - other factors). Research Methods in Developmental Psychology:( The historical curriculum - the descriptive approach - the experimental approach - the clinical approach), the stages of child development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications Childhood problems, adolescence - concept - definition, demands of growth in adolescence. The theoretical and applied importance of studying the psychology of adolescence. Factors affecting the development of the adolescent's personality: (vital factors - environmental factors - other factors) Stages of adolescent development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications: (adulthood - early adolescence. middle adolescence - late adolescence - adolescence problems

EPSY 201 General Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 101 +

The student acquires some cognitive, emotional and skill aspects of education related to teaching and its methods that help them in teaching general education curricula. The student is characterized by the moral values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession. The student has the ability to use modern teaching methods that emphasize the learners' activity and positivity and take into account the individual differences among them. The student formulates behavioral goals in its various fields (cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor): He has the ability to plan effectively (daily, quarterly, and annual), and he has the ability to manage the classroom effectively.

EPSY 122 Physiological psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Learn about the origins, development, and field of physiological psychology. Learn about research methods, the nervous system and its function. human behaviour. Nerve cell anatomy, nervous system, peripheral nervous system. Gland system: endocrine glands, ductal glands, ductal glands. Senses: their types, manifestations: the sense of sight, hearing, smell. Taste, skin sensations, sensory deprivation theories. Sleep physiology, sleep physiology and hypnosis, dreams. Physiology of mental illness. Physiology of mental illness drug addiction. Learning physiology, emotions, emotions and their impact, emotions and body systems.

EN101 General English2 02 University requirement EN100 +

This course is designed to enhance the students' ability to deal with the concepts used in English language and upgrade their knowledge of English in an authentic context. It also teaches the language required for performing the language which are necessary for any kind of English language enquiry.

AR104 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR103 +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, and they are as follows: . Construction and syntax, and the building of nouns, verbs and letters- . Conditions of syntax, and its original and sub-signs- . Applications on the primary Hamza- . The provisions of the moderate and extreme Hamza- Soft Alaff. - - Administrative writing: application, its contents, formulation, forms: university application, job, transfer, loan. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and from a prospective of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

CS101 Computer 2 02 University requirement CS100 +

This course gives the student a quick introduction to: computers, their operating system, application programs, windows and their uses, Paint, notebooks, Internet browsers, and the use of application programs, Word, Excel, and Power Point in practice. Where the practical part is considered the largest part for acquiring practical skills, and these programs will help the student in completing his duties, his graduation project, and in his practical life after graduation.

EPSY 121 School violence psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 113 +

Concepts of violence, the concept of school violence, factors leading to school violence: economic factors, social factors, and political factors. Cultural factors, school factors, individual "subjective" factors, natural factors, environmental factors, psychological factors, family factors, mental factors, physical and health factors. Violence in the school environment: identifying forms of violence in the school environment: forms of violence in terms of the style and method of violence: physical violence, verbal violence, and symbolic violence. In terms of its directness: direct violence, indirect violence. In terms of individual or collective violence: individual violence, collective violence. Sources of violence in the school environment, causes of violence in the school environment, manifestations of school violence. Explanatory trends of violence: interpretation of psychoanalytic theory, interpretation of ethological theory, social learning theory. Biological theory of violence, ecology of violence, religious interpretations of violence. Theories of moral development and their interpretation of violence: Kohlberg's theory, Piaget's theory. The effects of violence in the school environment. Methods of treatment and prevention of violence in the school environment.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 202 Basics Of Curriculums 02 Compulsory EPSY 203 +

The mini-description recognizes the importance of studying curriculum science and recognizes the concepts associated with the school curriculum. Compares the main trends about the concept of the school curriculum and its theories, historical stages, and the factors of its development and improvement It accommodates the components of the school curriculum system, and its Islamic rooting. Acquire the skill of formulating educational objectives. Understand the extent of integration and overlap of the processes of building the school curriculum, understand the foundations of building the school curriculum. Increase the knowledge and skill necessary to analyze the school curriculum. Compare the different organizations for building the school curriculum. To understand the great burden that falls on him as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. Recognizes the importance of evaluating and developing the school curriculum. To be aware of the importance of his role as a teacher in the process of evaluating and developing the curriculum

EPSY211 Psychology for Especial Groups 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 203 +

The historical development of caring for the disabled and Islam’s care for them, the concept of identification, strategies and programs, guidance and rehabilitation of the disabled, mental retardation (concept-causes-classification-characteristics), psychological counseling for the parents of the retarded child, psychological counseling for the mentally retarded, visual disability (definition-classification-characteristics), hearing disability (concept - causes - characteristics), motor disability (concept - manifestations - characteristics), learning difficulties (concept - causes - classification - characteristics), mental superiority (concept - classification - influencing factors - characteristics.

AR105 Arabic language 3 02 University requirement AR104 +

Summarized course Students apply the rules and especially the writing origins during the lecture, -Actual sentence. -Number provisions. -Delete and increase some letters. -The Judgment of Hamza -Punctuation marks. - Searching in lexicons -Writing reports, writing requests in particular, with application to the typical job application writing method. -General applications on the vocabulary of the rapporteur through the texts of the Holy Koran, the Prophetic Sunnah, the poetry and prose, but not less than ten texts. The examinations are other than these texts

EPSY 214 Psychology of motivations and emotions 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 122 +

The concept of the process of motivation and motivation, and related concepts, characteristics, components, and functions of motivation, classification of types of motivation and their characteristics, how the mechanism of action of different motives, physiological and psychological symptoms resulting from the disorder of some types of motives, knowledge of the theories explaining motivation, the concept of emotions linguistically and procedurally, characteristics, components and functions agitation. Classification of types of emotions and their characteristics, physiological and psychological symptoms resulting from agitation disorder, the relationship of emotions with motivation, and mental and cognitive processes.

EPSY 213 Psychology schools 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 200 +

History of psychology. The most important sources of knowledge from which psychology and its schools are formed. What is meant by school is the independence of psychology. Getting to know the old educational schools. Contemporary trends: characteristics of modern psychology, behavioral trend, introduction, the "classical" traditional conditional model, traditional conditioning phenomena. The operational conditioning model, the phenomena of operational conditioning. Cognitive trend: an introduction, the basic elements of the cognitive trend. Psychoanalytic direction: psychoanalytic concepts, instincts. Personality structure, personality dynamics. Psychological defense mechanisms. Humanitarian Direction: Basic Concepts in Humanistic Direction

EPSY 200 Educational Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 203 +

Mini description The concept, importance and goals of learning psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to the psychology of learning, research methods in educational psychology, understanding the learning process and its conditions. Learning theories, and how to benefit from them in the educational situation. Comparison between learning theories and their educational applications. The importance of transferring the impact of learning as a result of the learning process. The concept of intelligence, special abilities, individual differences, and factors affecting them. The concept of motivation, and providing students with concepts about it, and how to provoke it for them. The student acquired the skill of educational evaluation, building achievement tests, employing knowledge, and psychological educational concepts to serve the educational process.

EPSY 212 Social Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

The emergence and development of social psychology, the definition of social psychology, the sources of social psychology, the main sources. Sub sources. The importance of social psychology, the direct scientific importance, the global public importance. Research Methods in Social Psychology: Didactic Approach, Descriptive Approach, Historical Approach. Socialization and its impact on personality formation. Infidelity: Introduction, definition of nature, social infidelity in terms of functions and measurement through the most important ones: the Bogards means scales, the Thurston method, the Likert method, and the Osgood scale. Make theories components, factors affecting the formation of betrayal, stages of change of betrayal. Part-time non-assembly. And social issues in terms of composition and factors affecting them. The social interaction between the individual and the group influencing and being affected.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 221 Psychology of Play 02 Compulsory EPSY 203 +

Psychology of Play The concept of play, features of play, functions of play, characteristics of play, foundations and classifications of play and factors influencing it, value of play in children's lives, play and related concepts, developmental stages of play, theories explaining children's play, preparatory theory, psychoanalytic theory, Piaget's theory of play, Socio-cultural theory, Jerome Bruner's theory of play, Ecological theory of the American scientist Bronfenbrenner, play and learning, educational games and their role in learning, the relationship of play and creativity, types of practical games for children, popular play, play therapy, foundations for planning and building the play curriculum, identifying methods Develop concepts and skills through play.

EPSY301 Research Methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 111 +

Scientific and its characteristics - scientific research scientific research institutions. The researcher, his competence and scientific trends - variables in scientific research and their classifications). Scientific research scheme (preparation of research scheme - elements of research scheme - research sources). Scientific writing tools: (documenting scientific research data - using the library - searching for information sources by computer and Internet services. Methodology of writing in research papers - Methods of documentation in the text - Documentation at the end of the report). Types of educational research: (methodological foundations - cases in which it is used - types, (descriptive research - survey - case study. relational research - historical research - experimental research). Fundamentals of scientific writing: (skills of using the library - introducing the foundations of book classification - how to use references - critical speed reading skills. summarizing skills - writing skills in research papers). Data collection tools in educational research: Observation: (types - advantages and disadvantages of each of them - how to organize them and benefit from the data derived from them). Questionnaire: (Its advantages and disadvantages - how to prepare it and analyze its data - its application through a personal interview). - An applied study to introduce how to analyze textbooks.

AR106 Arabic language 4 02 University requirement AR105 +

Students apply rules, especially writing rules, during a lecture. - The nominal sentence. - Application of the provisions of the number. - Questioning style. - Disconnect and connect. - Knowledge of writing messages in general. - Applications to the prestudied spelling rules and punctuation marks. - Some common errors. - Recognize the spelling and linguistic benefits. - Exercises on how to create a question form that is language-correct and use appropriate punctuation. - Practice writing numbers with letters. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur'an, the Sunna of the Prophet, and from the prospective of poetry and prose, provided that they are not less than ten texts.

EPSY 222 Learning Difficulties 04 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 200 EPSY 203 +

Identify the concept of learning difficulties, its historical development. Concepts associated with it. Criteria for diagnosing learning difficulties. Causes of learning difficulties. Characteristics of people with learning disabilities, theoretical models explaining them (cognitive model, behavioral model, basic psychological operations model, ... etc). Identify the classifications of developmental learning difficulties (attention, perception, memory, thinking, oral language). Academic learning difficulties (reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic).

EPSY 223 Curriculum Development 02 Compulsory EPSY 202 +

Curriculum Development: The concept of planning and development, its importance, reasons for planning, stages of planning. Foundations of development, planning, and change. Methods of development. Development procedures. Obstacles and how to overcome them. Development strategies. Forms and arrangement, selection of experiences and activities. Standards and specifications. Principles of good organization. Approaches of educational curricula planning and development. Requirements for successful curriculum development. Types of curriculum: Separate Subjects Curriculum. Related subjects Curriculum. Broad domain Curriculum approach. Activity based Curriculum. Projects based curriculum. Organizational practical exercises. Preparing models based on each method.

EPSY 224 Psychology of Personalities 02 Compulsory EPSY 122 EPSY 214 +

Psychology of Personality Understanding the concept of personality, types of personalities throughout history, nature of personality, components of personality, personality determinants, personality dynamics, dimensions of personality building and growth, cultural formation, social formation, cognitive formation, theories of personality: classical, formative and organic. traits. personality and mental health. emotional system, types of emotional system, normal and abnormal personality. psychological illness. mental illness, personality assessment. theoretical foundations, curriculum, psychological measurement, measurement methods. educational methods, the most important types of personality measures. clinical tools, traditional behavior, personality therapy. modern behavior, the modern analytical school.

EPSY 225 Contemporary educational trends 02 Compulsory EPSY 101 ُُEPSY 123 +

The concept of contemporary educational trends. Factors that led to the emergence of contemporary educational trends. (a) Scientific and technological progress. B – Population explosion and increasing demand for education. c. Accelerated social and economic change (d) The development of means of communication, transportation, and information. Contemporary educational trends and concepts, continuing education, self-education. Democracy of education, functional knowledge, performance-based preparation. Basic competencies, educational economics, educational planning, basic education. Contemporary trends in teaching methods: programmed education, open education, educational television, educational technology, micro-education, group education, distance learning. Contemporary trends in teacher preparation and professional development. Contemporary trends in curricula. Contemporary trends in educational administration. Practical applications of contemporary educational concepts and trends. The transition in the educational process from teacher to learner and from teaching to learning. Taking into account individual differences and providing various experiences and activities to suit the individual differences between learners (therapeutic programs, compensatory programs, special programs for the weak-minded, special programs for the gifted and talented). Shift in focus from memorization to how to obtain information. Education Planning – Daily – Monthly – Semester Plan. Annual. Examples of the use of pedagogical technologies – simulation games or acting. Educational films, transparencies.

EPSY 302 Measurements and Evaluation 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 200 +

Recognizing the following concepts: psychological measurement - educational evaluation - tests - evaluation, determining the relationship between the four concepts mentioned in the first point, recognizing validity and reliability as conditions for measurement and evaluation, recognizing the types of achievement tests.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 401 Psychological Health 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

لا يوجد 02 Elective +

EPSY 303 Teaching learning Aids 02 Compulsory +

The course familiarizes the learner with the concept of the communication process and its stages, its elements and its relationship with education and learning, and the concept of the educational medium in accordance with its historical development. and their types and classifications, and the basis for their preparation and effective use to improve the learning and education process.

EPSY 311 Special teaching methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 201 +

This course aims to introduce students to the basics of the teaching process in psychology and to provide students with the characteristics of an effective teacher and also to master the competencies of lesson planning in terms of procedural goals, teaching procedures, and evaluation methods. The course also deals with a number of teaching methods that can be used in teaching psychology. Including the practical part (Lab projects). Providing opportunities for he students to practice teaching methods that can be used in teaching psychology such as: the method of dialogue and discussion, induction, conclusion, cooperative learning, and investigation through micro-teaching.

EPSY 312 Educational and psychological texts and terms 02 Compulsory EN 100 En 101 +

The course aims to provide the student teacher with psychological terms in English by identifying, exploring and using them through texts and excerpts in English with the skill of using dictionaries and translating some parts in different topics of psychology fields such as: General psychology. Pedagogy. Psychometrics and educational evaluation. Personality and its theories. Motivation, mental processes, providing the student with the correct pronunciation of the educational and psychological term. Translating educational and psychological texts from Arabic to English and vice versa.

EPSY 313 Linguistic psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 200 +

The concept of language, its definition, the origin of language (inspirational theory, syncretism, modern theories. Language characteristics, language functions, language classifications. Methods of studying language in children, including: _ Observation and its types, longitudinal method, transverse method, language acquisition theory: simulation and imitation theory, conditional learning theory. Information analysis theory, physiological and anatomical foundations of speech. Information about the nervous system (in general) The cerebral lobes, speech centers and cerebral nerves contribute to the process of speech and speech. Functional organs and speech organs Responsible for speech. Levels of the language communication process, that is, how we relate to others. Stages of language acquisition, absolute isolation theory, fusion theory or melting of thought in language. The theory of the relative independence of thought and language with inseparable organic cohesion. Language disorders: classifications, causes, treatment methods.

EPSY 314 Educational descriptive statistics 02 Compulsory +

The course of educational descriptive statistics aims to introduce the student to the concepts of descriptive statistics and statistical methods that can be used to describe, summarize and represent data in psychological and educational research and their importance in addressing different types of variables and representing them in modern ways, using probability and moderate distribution, familiarity with sample distribution, hypothesis testing, detection of simple linear correlation (Spearman - Pearson), its interpretation and statistical significance. It also aims to introduce the student to the differences between two averages and its statistical significance, where the student learns about the concept of central tendency and the methods used to calculate it (average - median - mode) for a set of data. As well as measures of dispersion to calculate the variance of a set of data and deduce the relationship between two variables by knowing how to calculate the correlation coefficient and simple regression.

EPSY 315 Intelligence and its parameters 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

The concept of intelligence: The concept of intelligence in Greek philosophy, in empiricism, among the owners of the theory of queens, among biologists, among physiologists. Definitions of intelligence psychologists. Intelligence coefficient and its characteristics, factors affecting the intelligence coefficient. Intelligence tests and their evolution throughout history. Classification of intelligence tests: Classification of intelligence tests according to their types: time test, method of performing the test, subject test, subject test and method. Continue Classification of IQ Tests: Classification of IQ tests according to their content: verbal tests, non-verbal tests. Individuality and association, the difference between them and examples of them. Classification of IQ tests according to their results. Intelligence Theories: IQ Tests Sections. Uses of IQ and mental abilities tests in schools, academic achievement and intelligence. Multiple intelligence in the classroom.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 322 The psychology of individual differences 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

Concepts of individual differences and an introductory introduction, the historical development of the concept of individual differences, individual differences among Arab scholars. Individual differences among Western scientists, the modern development of the psychology of individual differences. The effects of evolutionary theory on individual differences, ecology and heredity and their relationship to individual differences. Experimental psychology and measurement. The importance of individual differences, evaluation and measurement, tests. Individual differences in physical components, body structure in terms of growth. Nervous system, endocrine, senses, moods, emotions, emotions. Attitudes, values, tendencies, personality traits. Statistics and individual differences: frequency distribution. Measures of central tendency, equinox distribution, measures of relationship. Objectivity of measurement, truthfulness, consistency, standards and individual differences.

لايوجد 02 Elective +

EPSY 328 Education Technology Applications 02 Compulsory EPSY 303 +

Introducing the student to the concept of educational technology and its relationship to some concepts, instructional design and its processes, practicing educational activities on instructional design processes, the nature of multimedia, its production and use in teaching, electronic courses (concept, management systems, and patterns), educational technology innovations concept, characteristics, educational benefits (smart board, computer projectors, CDs, internal communication networks, mobile) and their operation. The concept of e-learning, its characteristics, objectives, origin, patterns, and use. The Internet in education, its concept, characteristics, patterns, tools (distance learning, virtual reality, virtual laboratories, social networks). Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): Practical applications on some types of educational technology innovations

EPSY 327 Research Hall in Education and Psychology 03 Compulsory EPSY 111 EPSY301 +

The foundations of scientific research, sources of obtaining information in education and psychology. Ethics of scientific research, preparation of the research plan, formulation of the title, problem, importance and objectives of the research, identification and formulation of psychological and educational study terms in a procedural manner, formulation of the theoretical framework of the study variables, method of presenting and commenting on previous studies, formulation of hypotheses for the study and verification, statistical methods used in education and psychology. Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): Panel discussions in which the students deal with topics related to scientific research and its correct scientific steps, and a practical aspect in which the applicant is trained to prepare the graduation research, and help him to identify the vital topics that can be studied by the undergraduate student, and how to prepare a research plan and compile the theoretical material by referring to what was written on the chosen topic, and then help the student teacher in writing the research proposal (work model). Library use, practical application of the basis of the research hall course

EPSY 326 Inferential Statistics 02 Compulsory EPSY 314 +

Enable the student to use more accurate methods in inferential statistics to describe the measured and observed psychological characteristic and to identify in a preliminary manner ways to detect differences and their statistical significance, correlations and statistical significance. As well as recognizing the shape of the results as they appear when using the SPSS package.

EPSY 325 Teaching Ethics 02 Compulsory EPSY 201 +

The concept of ethics, the importance and status of morality. Characteristics of ethics in Islam. Professional ethics in Islam. Means of consolidating professional ethics. Solving obstacles to the application of professional ethics. The concept of profession and work and the difference between them. Professional ethics. Sources of professional ethics. Different definitions of teaching ethics. Sources of teaching ethics. The ethics of the teacher and its position in the educational process. Tasks and roles of the teacher, his duties and responsibilities, the principles and ethics of the school principal. Ethics of the school administration profession. Policies governing the professional ethical conduct of the school principal. International standards for the teaching profession, educational issues and problems related to the teaching profession. A panel discussion on the most important school issues and problems related to the profession.

EPSY 324 Thinking Skills 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 EPSY 200 +

The concept and definition of thinking, characteristics of thinking, thinking styles, nature and levels of thinking, elements and assumptions of thinking, thinking skills: definition of thinking skills, pivotal thinking skills and their educational applications. Creative thinking, the concept of critical thinking, creative thinking skills, teaching creative thinking. Strategies for developing creative thinking, exercises on creative thinking, creativity in the classroom, the teacher's role in developing creative thinking. Critical thinking, the concept of critical thinking, critical thinking skills, teaching critical thinking. Strategies for teaching critical thinking, critical thinking training, the teacher's role in developing critical thinking. Metacognitive thinking, the concept of metacognitive thinking, metacognitive skills, metacognitive components, steps to teach and learn metacognitive thinking, strategies for developing metacognitive thinking. Thinking, problem solving and decision-making: the concept of problem solving, problem-solving strategies, brainstorming. Educational applications. The concept of the decision-making process, the classification of decisions and their strategies, the relationship between decision-making and problem-solving. Educational applications.

EPSY 323 Diagnostic Tests and Scales 03 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

Test definition, scale definition and the difference between them, types of tests and metrics. The importance of using psychological tests and scales. Areas of use of psychological tests and measures. Ethical charter for the use of psychological and educational tests and measures. Scientific conditions for the application and correction of tests - and interpretation of test scores. Scientific conditions for the application and correction of tests - and interpretation of test scores. IQ and mental aptitude tests Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): Exercises on applying standards and building tests

EPSY 321 Learning Theories 02 Compulsory EPSY 200 +

The concept of learning – its conditions, Thurandyke's correlation theory, Pavlov's classical conditioning theory, Skinner's procedural learning theory, Gestalt learning theory, Piaget's constructivist theory, Guthrie's theory of learning, Hill's motivation theory, Pandora's observational learning theory, Rutter's social learning theory. Information processing theory of Donders and Apinghouse. The Fundamental Evolutionary Theory of Nature by Darwin Fisher, by Didmorgan. Lastes mathematical learning theory. Brunner's Discovery Learning Theory

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 411 Teaching applications 04 Compulsory EPSY 201 EPSY 311 EPSY 328 +

The concept of social studies and the concept of social sciences and their relevance to psychology. Definition of psychology, objectives of teaching psychology (cognitive - skill - emotional). Elements of the cognitive pyramid of psychology facts, concepts, generalizations, with a focus on educational psychological concepts. Presenting different teaching methods and analyzing their philosophy with a focus on the methods that consider the student as the focus of the educational process and attention to scientific inquiry. Professional skills for classroom management pedagogical applications. The concept of field training from both sides (professional + emotional). The concept of educational evaluation in general, with a focus on tests of all kinds. Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): Educational applications

EPSY 412 Positive Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 113 +

Definition of positive psychology, positive psychology perspective, criticism of traditional psychology, knowledge of positive psychology and its fields, differences between positive thinking and positive psychology, positive prevention: the negative brain, the role of positive emotions, history of positive psychology. Key ideas in the field of positive psychology: flow. Key ideas in the field of positive psychology: building on or building strengths. Key ideas in the field of positive psychology: original or distinctive strengths. Positive psychotherapy. Positive psychology and self-esteem, hope and happiness as examples of positive psychology. Positive psychology limits and criticisms.

EPSY 413 Cognitive Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 200 EPSY 321 +

Explain and interpret basic concepts in cognitive psychology such as attention and memory. Mastered scientific research skills in the field of cognitive psychology and cognitive disorders. Able to explain human behavior from a cognitive point of view. Able to describe cognitive disorders. Develop skills to strengthen memory and prevent forgetfulness. Identify the basic mental abilities and enable the student to have knowledge related to all cognitive aspects. by distinguishing between different epistemological theories. Identify the methods of developing mental abilities by reviewing the concepts of attention and remembering and its aids. To know strategies for developing thinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills. Collects and analyses information, and communicates with learners, parents, colleagues and members of the professional community through technology media.

EPSY 414 School Management 02 Compulsory لا يوجد +

School administration (concept - importance - patterns). Styles of school management, the school principal (qualities, tasks, selection, and preparation), qualities of the school principal, responsibilities and tasks of the school principal. Skills to be available in the school principal, selection of the school principal, preparation of the school principal. The function and operations of school administration. Planning is the concept of planning, the importance of planning and its objectives. Preparing the educational plan for the school. Organization concept Organization and its importance, the relationship between organization and management, the main principles of organization. Characteristics of effective school organization, administrative functions of the school. Communication is understood by its importance, its elements, the trends and means of communication, the factors that must be available in good communication. Areas of work of the school administration: school schedule, distribution of students, homogeneous distribution, heterogeneous distribution. The school system, technical supervision, its concept and objectives, supervisors, methods of supervision, evaluation of teacher performance. Time management, and the role of the school principal in managing time management. Difficulties and challenges of school management in the twenty-first century.

EPSY 416 Graduation Project 02 Compulsory EPSY 327 +

The student is assigned a project supervisor and the student performs all the initial theoretical steps and completes in Project 2 his research plan. Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): The graduation project depends on the practical application of everything the student studied in the subject of the basics of scientific research and methods of educational research and a research hall in education and psychology to prepare the graduation project in one of the topics related to his specialization and profession as a teacher.

EPSY415 Educational guidance and counseling 02 Compulsory لا يوجد +

The emergence and development of guidance and guidance, its definition, justifications in the educational process, its objectives, and principles. Features. Specifications of a good educational counselor, counseling services in the school, the role of the teacher in the educational counseling process. Methods and methods of educational counseling: individual counseling, group counseling. Educational counseling methods: direct counseling, indirect counseling, optional counseling. The importance of information, the process of collecting information, types of information, means of collecting information. Theories of educational counseling, counseling interview and how to conduct it, methods of luring the counselor to speak in the interview. Educational guidance and guidance in secondary education: the importance of counseling services in secondary education, their nature, the tasks of the counselor in secondary education. Some educational problems and the role of the counselor in treating them: how to study educational problems, steps to study them, models for studying students' problems, a model for studying social relations within the classroom and school.

اختياري 7 02 Elective لا يوجد +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 402 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory EPSY 411 EPSY 435 +

practicum training program; Provided by teacher preparation institutions; under its supervision over a limited period of time; With the aim of providing an opportunity for student teachers to apply what they have learned of theoretical subjects in practice while they are actually teaching in educational institutions; Which leads to achieving familiarity between them and the human and material elements in these institutions, and providing them with the educational competencies necessary for them.Description of the practical part:The student should be able to apply the practical aspect of his academic and educational specialization.Training the student teacher on teaching methods in a scientific way.Training the student teacher on the design and use of various educational aids.

EPSY 422 Graduation Project 2 02 Compulsory EPSY 416 +

The graduation project is one of the most important scientific courses in the department, in this course, students choose the topic of the project and determine its objectives under the supervision of a faculty member, and then prepare the project proposal, which contains identifying the problem to be addressed, determining the requirements, and then identifying the candidate solutions to the study problem. Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): The graduation project depends on the practical application of everything the student studied in the subject of the basics of scientific research and methods of educational research and a research hall in education and psychology to prepare the graduation project in one of the topics related to his specialization and profession as a teacher.