Department of

Word Of the Head Department of

The Department of Art Education is one of the important departments in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tripoli. The department is unique in preparing art education teachers and offers a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education program that is prepared by specialists and experts in the fields of art, curriculum, and teaching methods in accordance with the standards that meet the requirements of academic accreditation.

The department aims to prepare art teachers in a comprehensive way that meets the requirements of the era and gives them the competitive ability in the labor market. This is done by developing their intellectual and cognitive abilities, developing their skills in all artistic and educational fields, giving them opportunities for field training in schools, and acquiring them the research, leadership, and innovative skills necessary to drive the wheel of artistic culture and elevate them in line with the movement of development.

Art education has undergone many scientific developments in an effort to achieve and meet the needs of society by keeping pace with these developments by establishing the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education in 1998. There have been many attempts to develop the department's programs in light of the needs of society in order to meet the educational and research needs of society through the role of the department in participating in sustainable community development, such as art exhibitions and formations, and the pursuit of achieving the quality of the department's outputs in light of the needs of society and establishing a developed educational environment that is in line with the era.


The department aspires to achieve its scientific, artistic, and professional mission in accordance with quality standards, and to prepare scientific and artistic competencies that compete in the labor market in the field of art education. In addition to achieving excellence and superiority to spread artistic culture and achieve its goals of teaching it from the standpoint of novelty and contemporary originality, to strive towards achieving excellence in innovative and creative artistic educational preparation.


The department seeks to:

  • Address the problems related to the preparation of art education teachers, teaching plans at all scientific, artistic, and educational levels, and the obstacles related to them.
  • Prepare scientific and artistic curricula that are characterized by novelty and originality in the field of art education, in line with the abilities, desires, and interests of students to achieve success in the educational process.
  • Guide students to extract the potential of artistic, scientific, and professional abilities and reveal them through lectures, scientific conferences, and workshops.
  • Eliminate visual illiteracy, elevate the artistic taste, and develop the artistic sense of students in the field of art education through art exhibitions, conferences, and workshops.
  • Create student activities represented in periodic art exhibitions that are associated with the giving ability to contribute to the development of the competitive sense between students and raise their aesthetic ability.
  • Prepare an effective educational and educational environment that enables students to participate in the research process and solve problems to push the student to delve into research and investigation in the fields of scientific research, to accomplish scientific research in the same field that is characterized by efficiency and quality.**


The department seeks to:

  • Prepare art teachers in the field of art education at all levels of university education, including scientific, artistic, and educational levels.
  • Prepare highly qualified artistic cadres in the field of art education to meet the needs of society and compete in the labor market in various artistic fields, such as handicrafts, various artistic works, museum art, artistic and cultural associations, special needs areas, advertising and media art, and others.
  • Cooperate with colleges, cultural institutions, and scientific bodies to work together to serve and develop _ art education _ curricula according to quality standards, to emphasize the importance of art education in building a personality with high scientific and artistic competence that contributes to achieving social success and works to challenge the difficulties of artistic educational matters.
  • Develop the artistic skills and creative and innovative abilities of the student and work to develop the artistic talent based on artistic and scientific knowledge, such as the rules, foundations, and principles on which the artistic field is based. To contribute to building a personality that is characterized by the ability to give and to compete in the labor market with distinction.

Specific translation:

Organizational Structure for Department of

Facts about Department of

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Academic Staff



