Department of Elementary education

Word Of the Head Department of Elementary education

**In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets, our master and beloved Muhammad, upon him be the best prayers and peace, and upon his family and companions.

First, we welcome you to the website of the Teacher's Section, one of the pillars of the Faculty of Education, which was established since the establishment of the college. If the community relies on the Faculty of Education to graduate qualified teachers, then the responsibility and the greatest burden falls on the shoulders of the Teacher's Section; because it is responsible for graduating educational teachers for the first part of basic education. Therefore, the highest goal of the section is the continuous development in improving the outputs in a way that suits the development of society in the aspects that mean the educational process and serve it. This is achieved by the joint efforts of a group of educational professors with varying academic degrees. And our ambition continues in fair competition to bring out the section and its outputs in the best possible way.**


To lead in the preparation and development of classroom teachers, and to engage in scientific research and community service at both the local and regional levels.


To produce highly qualified teachers capable of contributing to the building of a knowledge-based society and of developing departmental programs to keep pace with the demands of the local and knowledge-based community.


Based on the department's vision, mission, and the general objectives of Tripoli University and Tripoli College of Education, and in commitment to them, the program aims to:

  • Prepare competent classroom teachers capable of critical thinking for effective teaching in the first three grades of primary education.
  • Develop students' abilities to apply the appropriate foundations and principles of teaching in the early grades after graduation.
  • Encourage students to actively participate in community and environmental service related to education.
  • Prepare teachers capable of using modern technology in teaching, benefiting from the global information network,and utilizing it to achieve the program's objectives.
  • Develop positive attitudes towards the teaching profession through the practical application of this profession in the teacher training program.
  • Prepare distinguished graduates capable of enrolling in graduate programs and conducting research and studies that contribute to solving some of the problems of the local and regional community.


  • High professionalism.
  • Teamwork.
  • Transparency.
  • Justice and equal opportunities.
  • Academic freedom.
  • Appreciation of diversity.
  • Quality and excellence.
  • Social and ethical commitment.
  • Organizational Structure for Department of Elementary education

    Facts about Department of Elementary education

    We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




    Academic Staff



