Department of Computer

Word Of the Head Department of Computer

In the name of Allah, and all praise is due to Allah alone. As we welcome the beginning of the new academic semester, we renew our determination and rely on Allah, wishing everyone a fruitful and successful start to the semester, God willing. To those who have chosen the Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Education in Tripoli, I say, you have made a good choice. As an educational family at the university, we promise to provide a supportive and productive academic environment for learning, listening to alternatives and suggestions through mutual respect and appreciation within the institutional thinking of preparing trained national cadres capable of filling the technical, artistic, and professional positions available in the job market. This attention comes as a result of the university's sound aspirations and ambitions, aiming overall towards success and the strength of its youth armed with knowledge and faith to drive the wheel of progress towards reaching the level of industrialized nations.


For the Computer Science Department to be one of the distinguished and leading departments in preparing personnel in the field of teaching computer science and its applications.


The Computer Science Department's mission is to provide outstanding educational and research services for students that meet the quality standards in the field of computer science, allowing for the preparation of competitive graduates who align with local and global requirements. Additionally, the department aims to provide an encouraging environment for innovation and effective participation in the development of the local environment in the Libyan state.


- Providing students with a solid foundation in both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science.- Developing students' abilities to link theory with application.- Supplying professional and educational personnel capable of teaching computer science in various educational stages.- Achieving professional standards in curriculum development and implementation of courses.- Developing and directing scientific research to address societal issues.- Advancing computer science studies through teaching, applied research, and field consultations.- Preparing students to be creative leaders through their practical and analytical skills.- Practical training in using a variety of application programs to acquire the necessary knowledge in computer science.- Working to create an environment and work relationships that promote a sense of belonging to the department, the college, and the community.- Establishing and disseminating the foundations, concepts, and practices of quality among all department members.- Maximizing the use of modern technological resources and information technology to develop cognitive and research capabilities in the field of computer science and its teaching methods.

Organizational Structure for Department of Computer

Facts about Department of Computer

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



