Bachelor in Kindergarten

faculty of Education Janzour - Department of Kindergarten



This program enables and qualifies the graduate student educationally and scientifically

 Providing students with scientific and educational knowledge, training students on research 

Methods and employing them in the service of the educational process. Promoting religious and 

patriotic values among students.


1. The program provides students with modern methods in teaching and learning qualifies the graduate student educationally and scientifically.

2. Students equipped with scientific and educational knowledge

3 To acquire an experience in scientific research.

4.  Preserving   Religious and national principles and values.


 All outcomes desired according to the program objectives:

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

1. To familiarize the student with educational principles and theories in general and in the field of kindergarten in particular.

2. To familiarize the student with the principles, methods and strategies for kindergarten children.

3. To familiarize the student with the theories and branches of kindergarten.

4. To familiarize the student with modern trends in education.

b- Mental Skills 

1. To be able to explain religious principles to the kindergarten children.

2. To be able to explain and analyze educational programs in kindergarten.

3. To clarify scientific and educational principles and knowledge.

4. To explain the most important concepts and terminology related to education in general and in the field of kindergarten in particular.

C- Practical and Professional Skills

1.  Remember the most important concepts and terminology related to education in general and in the field of kindergarten in particular.

2. Various strategies are used for teaching, learning, classroom activities and kindergarten children in light of the actual needs.

3. The programs and activities planned for kindergarten children are implemented in the light of the targeted learning outcomes.

4. Knowledge are implemented according to the programs and activities planned for the kindergarten child. 

D- General Skills

1. The ability to use Audio-visual devices in teaching.

2. Use the blackboard efficiently in teaching.

3. The ability to prepare exams, preparing questionnaires, writing reports and scientific papers.

4.  The ability to use different types of assessment during teaching

Certificate Rewarded

Certifications granted at the end of program, licenciate in art & education class teacher department.

Entry Reuirements

1. The applicant must have finished secondary school or its equivalent with a good grade.

2. Admission according to the regulations of the Faculty of Education Janzour and the University of Tripoli.

3. The student must be fit and healthy and able to continue the study.

4. The applicant should pass an entrance exam and a personal interview.

5. The applicant should not have defects in pronunciation.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Kindergarten prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Kindergarten. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 130 units, which include 42 units of general subjects, and 88 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC111 02 General +

The inclusion of this course in the scientific departments of the college, and it is considered a general subject in the departments (English, Physics, Chemistry, Kindergarten, Classroom Teacher, and Sociology). The Arabic language with its various sciences, including grammar, texts, and spelling, so that the student graduates from these departments having possessed the correct writing tools, avoiding common linguistic and spelling errors.This is done by dividing the lessons of the Arabic language 1 into sections as follows: First: grammar lessons, in which the following vocabulary is studied: (speech sections, words and their types, noun, verb and letter, noun signs, verb signs, noun sections in terms of declension, singularity and plural, In terms of definition and indefiniteness, in terms of syntax and construction, the verb sections are the past tense, the present tense and the imperative verb. Muthanna and its types, plural types: the masculine plural of salim, the feminine plural of salim, the plural of taksir. The original signs of inflection, the secondary signs of inflection. Second: Text lessons: where the student is trained to deal with the text in understanding, interpretation and memorizationThe texts are of various types, from a Quranic text, another prophetic text, and a poetic or prose literary text. Third: Dictation lessons, and its vocabulary is (drawing the hamza at the beginning of the word, drawing the hamza in the middle of the word, drawing the hamza at the end of the word. With an alert to common mistakes and how to overcome them..

KG111 02 Compulsory +

KG110 04 Compulsory +

The Introduction to Kindergarten course aims to provide the student/teacher with the basic concepts, knowledge, skills, values, and trends of the kindergarten stage represented in the importance of kindergarten and its educational objectives, the characteristics and developmental manifestations of the kindergarten child in the early childhood stage, and the educational views and implications of Western and Muslim scholars about the kindergarten child’s upbringing, and the curriculum. Kindergarten, its concept, foundations, content, strategies, and methods of evaluation, including curricula patterns in kindergartens, leading to the preparation of the kindergarten teacher, her roles, tasks, and characteristics, concluding with the educational environment, its specifications, components, and security and safety factors that must be taken into account in kindergartens.

KG116 02 Compulsory +

Providing the student with health education.- Introducing the student to the healthy nutrition of the child, and addressing the importance of the nutrients that the child needs.- Training the student on ways to help children choose healthy food, which can be taken to maintain the health of the child and reduce the spread of disease.- Identifying the problems of malnutrition in children, in addition to identifying the most important diseases that spread among children in the kindergarten stage

GC113 02 General +

ES161 Basic Principles of Education 02 Elective +

ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG234 Social Psychology 02 Compulsory +

The course (Social Psychology) is one of the specialized academic courses in the specialized educational academic preparation program for the "student" in the Kindergarten Department. For the teacher, this course provides the “student” with the necessary information about the group, its characteristics, types, and its importance to the individual and society. The kindergarten child will move from the family group to a larger group that represents the kindergarten and friends. Social interaction, how to communicate and communicate between the teacher and the children, the role of the teacher and the learner in social interaction, identifying the characteristics of socialization and the factors influencing it, and what are the institutions in which the socialization of children takes place, beginning with the family. The course also aims to acquire effective communication skills with children, guide them psychologically and socially, and deepen understanding of the social and cultural environment through the study of social relations and family and the extent of the impact of disturbances in marital relations on the child.

GC102 Islamic Studies II 02 General +

GC112 Arabic II 02 General +

GC123 English language2 02 General GC113 +

GC234 02 General +

It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

KG120 04 Compulsory +

This course aims to identify the childhood stage, its importance, and its role in the formation of the personality of the individual, and the individual differences between children, and the aspects that appear in it, and the factors influencing it.

KG246 SCHOOL HEALTH 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program. Familiarizing the student with public health and private health, as well as the diseases that the child may be exposed to in the early school stages, and providing the student with good healthy behavior and habits, as well as introducing the student to the relationship of the individual and society with school health, and introducing the student to healthy food and its importance to humans. That the student be distinguished by the skill of innovation, addition, and creativity in presenting some accurate drawings or useful diagrams that explain the exact details of some nutritional programs that are beneficial to the child. Training students on personal hygiene, such as washing hands and face, in the early stages of education. Practical exercises for students to enable them to deal with the school pharmacy in the case of first aid.

EC236 General Teaching Methodology 02 Elective +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC235 02 General +

The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning

KG238 02 Compulsory +

The course (Special Teaching Methods) is one of the specialized academic courses in the Specialized Educational Academic Preparation Program for the "student" in the Kindergarten Department. Diversification of teaching methods according to the needs of the educational situation and the necessary rules when choosing teaching methods. This course also provides the “student” with the most important roles, tasks and skills of the teacher to implement activity programs and achieve cognitive, emotional and psychomotor goals, programs for developing children’s thinking and creativity skills, and training the “student” on Strategies for active learning, the role of the teacher and the learner in it, and identifying the importance of cooperative learning and the steps to implement it and its benefits, leading to the preparation of a kindergarten teacher who is aware of her roles and tasks, and is trained to design and implement lessons, and is familiar with teaching and learning methods appropriate to the activity presented to the child. Educational outcomes: After studying the course, the student is expected to be able to: Knows the basic concepts in the course (Special Teaching Methods). Explains the characteristics and characteristics of the kindergarten teacher and the most important roles and tasks. It enumerates the bases that the teacher must take into account in evaluating the activity programs in the kindergarten. Compare traditional

KG240 Kindergarten management 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importance Introduce students to the types of scientific research methods Training the student to prepare the research and discuss it with his colleagues The student's knowledge of an appropriate type of knowledge, information and attitudes related to the course of a panel discussion

KG233 02 Compulsory +

1- Introducing students to the facts about culture and its necessity and its various means, especially in our time. 2- Identifying the means of educating the child in building his personality in an integrated manner. 3- Identifying social institutions and their role in educating the child. 4- Identifying the role of means of communication in raising and educating the child.

KG231 03 Compulsory +

KG351E Sociology of Education 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces the student to the sociology of education in terms of its origin, development, and its most important fields, with a focus on analyzing the concept of the social system of education in terms of its structure, functions, role in society, and its relationship to institutions.

GS131 Computer I 02 General +

GS132 Computer II 02 General GS131 +

EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC114 Arabic IV 02 General GC113 +

ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology

KG241 03 Compulsory +

The concept, philosophy and definition of aesthetics. - The nature and doctrines of beauty. - The concept of aesthetic education and its importance. - Developing the aesthetic sense in the Islamic educational curriculum. - The importance of aesthetic education in developing the child's imagination and perception. - Aesthetic awareness of the child, and the role of aesthetic education in developing the child's artistic sense. - Savoring the beauty of nature for children and the role of the family in developing their aesthetic sense.

KG242 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importance1- To familiarize the student with the definitions of environmental psychology, itsobjectives and fields2- To familiarize the student with the emergence and development ofenvironmental psychology3- The student should be able to know the relationship of environmentalpsychology with other sciences-4Determine the theoretical frameworks to explain the relationship betweenbehavior and the environment

KG243 03 Compulsory +

The course (Child Library) is one of the specialized academic courses in the specialized educational academic preparation program for the “student” in the Kindergarten Department. This course provides the "student" with the necessary information about the types of children's books and the criteria for selecting them. The importance of the course is also represented in introducing the "student" to the reading tendencies of children in different age stages, and the "student" is able to identify the positive trends towards the love of going to the library that must be developed in the child. At an early age, training the "student" on the elements of library service for children, the programs and activities that must be available in the children's library, and the role of the teacher in developing the creative skills of children through various office activities.

KG244 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importanceIntroduce students to the types of scientific research methodsAcquisition of appropriate activities for kindergarten children in language skillsThe student's knowledge of language book theories

EC356 02 General +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG354 02 Compulsory +

KG351 03 Compulsory +

Foundations and principles of art education, primitive and modern arts. Child art education. Stages of artistic development in a child. - Analysis of children's drawings. - Identifying the nature of raw materials and their divisions. Methods of processing raw materials and how to deal with them. Technical values that must be available in raw materials. Creativity and design by the nature of artistic materials. Training in making shapes and drawing inspiration from natural elements. Design construction and the importance of design.

EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

EC475 Mental Health 02 Elective +

GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

KG346 02 Compulsory +

Course description: The course (Children's Play Psychology) is one of the specialized academic courses in the Specialized Educational Academic Preparation Program for the "student" in the Kindergarten Department. What is the psychology of play and how play is appropriate to the developmental requirements of the kindergarten child. This course also provides the “student” with play classifications and theories, and trains the “student” on the basic skills of play, the role of the teacher in preparing kindergarten programs, the importance of learning during play, and how to design and implement some games for the child. The course also aims to provide the "student" with the method of play therapy and its impact on modifying children's behavior and learning properly.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG465 Childhood Tests and Measures 04 Compulsory +

Identifying the most important basic concepts and scientific skills in the field of psychological and educational tests and measures and their various uses in the kindergarten stage.- Providing the student with the most important tests and standards suitable for the child in the kindergarten stage.Determining the methods of applying psychological tests and measures in the kindergarten stage.Acquisition of the skill of designing measurement tools in the kindergarten stage.

KG366 Child physical education 03 Compulsory +

The social, psychological, health and emotional goals of physical education Purposes of motor education in childhood The psycho-motor-social basis Basic movements from 4-6 aspects that the educator takes into account when applying Appropriate small games Individual differences in play Managing competitions in competition Basic movements in motor exercises Basic positions and movements in Motor exercises, small games, teaching and learning methods.

KG365 Child behavioral problems 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importance Identifying the behavioral and psychological problems that children are exposed to during their developmental stage. The student learns the causes of these problems and the foundations of psychological and behavioral therapy. Recognizing the types of speech defects and distinguishing between them. Identifying speech disorders, sleep disorders, and excretory disorders.

KG364 03 Compulsory +

The student knows the concept of communication skills and its importance The student describes the procedural development of verbal communication skills in children and the forms of verbal communication skills The student compares verbal communication with non-verbal communication

KG363 03 Compulsory +

By studying this course: 1_ Identifying the concept of giftedness at the global level. 2._ Identifying the classifications of gifted children. 3_ Knowing the theories of learning gifted children.

KG357 03 Compulsory +

- The student knows the concept of designing programs for the kindergarten stage. - Identify the concepts of the curriculum and the program plan used in raising the kindergarten child. - Determine the philosophical, psychological and social bases for designing the programs for the kindergarten child.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG471 03 Compulsory +

The concept of decorative design and its relationship to practical life. - The concept of the decorative unit and the types of decorative units. - A brief history of the decoration (Islamic art - folk art). Principles and rules of design.- The importance of design and its elements.- Structural methods for decorative designs.- The color circle and the division of colors into categories according to their origins and components. Divide the colors according to their effect on the viewer when they are adjacent to each other.

KG472 Provisions of the Family 02 Compulsory +

A theoretical subject that aims to teach the student the legal rulings that are related to the family and the right of the Islamic law approach based on the legal evidence from the writer, the Sunnah and the sayings of the imams, in matters such as marriage and its conditions and faith, engagement and its conditions and delegates, the pillars of the contract and some subsidiary issues related to marriage with the study of the incidents in our society, as well Study of divorce and issues of divorce and separation.

KG474 02 Compulsory +

Location scheduled to:Provide students with the concept of learning.Knowledge of learning disabilities.Known criteria and methods.Identifying types of learning difficulties.Causes of learning difficulties.Distinguish between developmental learning difficulties and academic difficulties.Explain the characteristics of a child with learning difficulties.Treatment of learning difficulties.Medical treatment PsychotherapyBehavioral therapy - integrative therapy

KG475 Child psychological counseling 03 Compulsory +

This course presents a set of basic facts about the emergence and development of psychological counseling and its definition as a branch of psychology and its relationship to psychological guidance and psychotherapy and what it contains of diagnostic and therapeutic methods and skills that deal with a wide range of behavioral and psychological problems that people suffer from in various fields of life, whether in The family, at work, or at school and kindergarten. It also presents the ethical and legal controls that govern the practice of this type of scientific specialization and the academic and personal qualifications that a psychological counselor must have. As well as familiarity with psychological counseling theories in the light of Islamic principles and their applications in the counseling process and educational outcomes.

KG477 03 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importance Introduce students to the types of scientific research methods Training the student to prepare the research and discuss it with his colleagues The student's knowledge of an appropriate type of knowledge, information and attitudes related to the course of a panel discussion

KG478 04 Compulsory +

1. The student is familiar with the different growth aspects of the kindergarten child 2. Training the students on educational applications for the kindergarten child 3. Being able to know the stages of growth and the factors influencing it 4- The student defines the general laws of growth

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
KG485 04 Compulsory +

KG487 04 Compulsory +

KG488 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory +

Practical education considered an essential pillar of teacher preparation and training programs and compulsory courses, as it contributes to preparing the student/teacher in preparation for his practice of the teaching profession and providing him with the information, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for him in his performance as a future teacher. It includes a number of activities, some of which take place in the college and others. In the cooperating school, where he gets involved in the real classroom situation to play his role as a trainee teacher who implements a set of activities under the cooperative supervision between the college and the Department of Education administration.